K-5 Vertical Alignment of
Science Report Card Indicators
Written in Parent Friendly Language
In these documents, report card indicators are arranged by standard, but within each, they're also organized by content. The top row is always earth science, followed by life science in the middle, and the bottom row has the physical science indicators.
Standard 1: Models
Students will be able to develop and use different types of models (diagrams, physical replicas, mathematical representations, analogies, and/or computer simulations) to represent a system, to aid in the development of questions and explanations, to generate data, and/or to communicate ideas to others.
Standard 2: Investigations
Students will be able to plan and conduct investigations and/or experiments to generate data as evidence to support or refute claims.
Standard 3: Mathematics
Students will be able to use mathematics to represent physical variables and their relationships, to make predictions, to organize data, and/or to develop and use models of systems (equations, tables, graphs, charts, algorithms, simulations).
Standard 4: Explanations*
Students will be able to apply scientific ideas, principles, and/or evidence to provide an explanation of phenomena and/or solve design problems.
*At this time, there are no K-5 indicators that measure this standard.
Standard 5: Argument
Students will be able to use argument as a process for developing, comparing, and evaluating claims using evidence and reasoning.