Multiple Pathways // Greely High School

Current Opportunities (contact Mr. Fersch if interested):

Preparing for Fall 2024 SILO Projects // If you would like to chat about a potential SILO project for the 2024/2025 academic year, be in touch with Mr. Fersch ( 

More info: If you are a rising sophomore, junior, or senior interested in exploring an independent study for the 2024/2025 academic year, the spring is a terrific time to reach out to Mr. Fersch. Independent study courses represent an opportunity to follow an academic area of interest not currently offered at GHS. They are elective courses, created collaboratively with Mr. Fersch, where students explore an area of interest, collaborating in some fashion with local and/or regional experts. They represent a 1/2 credit elective course (which, as with all other courses, represents 60 hours of class), so they are a terrific fit for students who have an area of interest and the time to commit to an additional course. For more information and sample presentations of courses from past students visit the Pathways website here

Can We? Project // Students interested in civil discourse, politics, and leadership, be in touch with Mr. Fersch if you'd like to learn more about this project.

Mr. Andrew Fersch, Pathways Coordinator / School Website

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