Talent Development

Technical Education 

Based on our philosophy “Don’t give them fish to eat, but rather give them fishing rods and teach them how to fish”, we actively promote technical and vocational education, which helps our students develop their potential in multiple ways. By the ninth grade, one-third of our students has attended technical classes. We offer a variety of technical classes to choose from, and we offer a high-quality learning atmosphere, which has led to our students’ outstanding performance in technical education competitions. As they shine on those stages and taste victory and validation, they go on to develop their potential and courage to take on future challenges. 

Gender Equality Drama and Courses

As a secondary school we offer gender equality education, self-protection, and respect for others. Through an interdisciplinary curriculum of social, arts, and culture classes, where they produce stage scripts and study laws and norms, our students develop more correct concepts of gender equality and rule of law. Also, movie making, from the design and creation of props and outfits to rehearsal and direction, helps manifest latent conceptions and develop more correct concepts instead.