

一九九七年生於台中,政治大學外交系、國貿系雙學士,英國倫敦大學國王學院(King’s College London)國際政治經濟碩士。喜歡旅行、閱讀、電影,對一切藝術形式的好奇,源於理解自我的欲望。


Born in 1997, ShaoYu Peng is a Taiwanese writer. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and International Business at National ChengChi University in Taipei. After graduation, he lived in London between 2020 to 2022 and finished his master’s degree in International Political Economy at King’s College London. Since 2016, he has been writing columns on media like Opinion, Filmaholic, and United Daily Newspaper, etc. 

He has participated in various film festivals such as Berlinale, Locarno, Sundance, BFI London Film Festival, and has been selected as a member of the Asian Cinema Observation Committee at the Golden Horse Film Festival in 2018. He published his first film review collection book “Dreaming In The Black Box” in 2021, which embodies his articles written in the past three years.