Mahomet Seymour Health Services

Exam Requirements for the 2024-2025 School Year

For the 2024-2025 school year, all students must be up-to-date with physical examination and immunization requirements. All completed physical and immunization forms must be emailed to your child's school (emails listed below) or turned into your child's school office by August 14, 2024. Students who have not submitted their required health documents by August 14, 2024 will be excluded from school until notification has been received by the school that the required health documents have been provided. 

Physical Examination Information:

Immunization Requirement Information:

Physical Examination and Immunization Requirements by Grade:


Complete Preschool Physical Examination and all required immunizations including:

-      4 doses or DPT/Dtap vaccine

-      3 doses of Polio Vaccine

-      1 dose Hib Vaccine

-      1 dose MMR vaccine

-      1 dose Varicella vaccine

-      3 doses Hepatitis B vaccine

-      Primary series of Pneumococcal vaccine

*Physical and Immunizations are due prior to preschool start date


Complete Kindergarten Physical Examination and all required immunizations including:

- 2 doses of MMR vaccine

- 4 doses of Polio vaccine

- 4 doses DPT/Dtap vaccine

- 2 doses of Varicella vaccine

Must be turned in by August 14, 2024

Complete Kindergarten Dental Examination - Must be turned in prior to May 15, 2025.

Complete Kindergarten Vision Examination - Must be turned in prior to August 14, 2024. 

1st Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

2nd Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date.

Complete 2nd grade Dental Examination - Must be turned in prior to May 15, 2025.

3rd Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

4th Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

5th Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

6th Grade

Complete 6th grade Physical Examination (Sports Physical form NOT acceptable) and all required immunizations including those listed above PLUS:

- 1 dose of Tdap Vaccine

- 1 dose of Meningococcal Vaccine (meningitis) after the 11th birthday

(If your child turns eleven after August 14, 2024, you must submit proof of an upcoming scheduled appointment)

Must be turned in by August 14, 2024.

Complete 6th grade Dental Examination - Must be turned in prior to May 15, 2025.

7th Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

8th Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

9th Grade

Complete 9th grade Physical Examination (Sports Physical form NOT acceptable) and all required immunizations. Must be turned in by August 14, 2024.

Complete 9th grade Dental Examination - must be turned in prior to May 15, 2025. 

10th Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date. 

11th Grade

No additional physical/immunization requirements if up-to-date.

12th Grade

Required immunizations listed above PLUS:

-      2nd dose of Meningitis vaccine received on or after 16th birthday.

Must be turned in by August 14, 2024.

New Students Enrolling in Illinois School for the FIRST Time

*Required regardless of grade level

• Physical Exam with up-to-date immunization in compliance with Illinois immunization requirement (see above) due within 30 days of enrollment to the district.

• Dental Exam on an Illinois Dental Exam form due within 30 days of enrollment to the district.

• Vision Exam by an Eye Doctor on an Illinois Exam Form due within 30 days of enrollment to the district.