SEL Curriculum

K-8th Grade

Second Step: K-5th Grade

The lesson outlines below represent the MUSD Second Step curriculum. Video lessons have been developed by our school counselors and are available through Canvas. Please reach out to your individual school counselor/teacher to ask how to access the video lessons for your child.

Second Step: Grados K-5
Las lecciones representan el plan de estudios “Second Step” de MUSD. Las lecciones en video han sido desarrolladas por nuestros consejeros escolares y están disponibles a través de Canvas. Comuníquese con su consejero / maestro individual de la escuela para preguntar cómo acceder a las lecciones en video para su estudiante.

Second Step Curriculum K-5

"Power of You" Program: 6th Grade
The PDF Powerpoint to the right contains the content of the 4 classroom lessons

El PDF Powerpoint a la derecha contiene el contenido de las 4 lecciones de la clase.

All 6th graders within the district participate in a Social Emotional Learning program entitled Power of You (POY) provided by two Ventura County SELPA Social Emotional Services Specialists. POY is both a Tier 1 and Tier 2 SEL support/intervention. This is a character education and social-emotional support program for our 6th grade students funded through the Mental Health Services Act grant. The program has two phases including 4 classroom lessons for all MUSD 6th grade students (Tier 1) and then small group sessions for those students identified by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as needing more support (Tier 2). Topics include respecting self and others, empathy, understanding feelings, coping skills and healthy problem solving. Ventura County SELPA clinicians will be leading the lessons and sessions while building the capacity of our MUSD staff to sustain this program beyond the 3-year grant.

Todos los estudiantes de sexto grado dentro del distrito participan en un programa de aprendizaje socioemocional titulado “Power of You” (POY) proporcionado por dos especialistas en servicios socioemocionales de SELPA del condado de Ventura. POY es un apoyo / intervención SEL de Nivel 1 y Nivel 2. Este es un programa de educación del carácter y apoyo socioemocional para nuestros estudiantes de sexto grado financiado a través de la subvención de la Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental. El programa tiene dos fases que incluyen 4 lecciones para todos los estudiantes de sexto grado de MUSD (Nivel 1) y luego sesiones de grupos pequeños para aquellos estudiantes identificados por el Cuestionario de Fortalezas y Dificultades que necesitan más apoyo (Nivel 2). Los temas incluyen el respeto a uno mismo y a los demás, empatía, comprensión de los sentimientos, habilidades de afrontamiento y resolución saludable de problemas. Los médicos de SELPA del condado de Ventura dirigirán las lecciones y sesiones mientras desarrollan la capacidad de nuestro personal de MUSD para sostener este programa más allá de la subvención de 3 años.

2019-2020 Power Point for POWER OF YOU character ed first phase.pptx

Students build community while identifying and exploring their values, emotions and habits. They learn about and practice assertive communication skills, emotion & self-regulation, conflict-resolution, stress coping skills, self-acceptance, empathy and more.

Programa de carácter fuerte: Grados 6-8

Los estudiantes construyen una comunidad mientras identifican y exploran sus valores, emociones y hábitos. Aprenden y practican habilidades de comunicación asertiva, emoción y autorregulación, resolución de conflictos, habilidades para afrontar el estrés, autoaceptación, empatía y más.

Grade 6 Sessions

1: Building Connections

2: Building Community

3: Middle School Mythbusting (Belonging)

4: Middle School Mythbusting (Test Taking)

5: Developing Community Agreements

6: Upholding Community Agreements

7: Understanding the CharacterDare Process

8: Get to Know Your School: Who's Here?

9: Get to Know Your School: What's Here?

10: Exploring Values

11: Understanding Values

12: Practicing Values

13: Building Listening Skills

14: Applying Listening Skills: Part 1

15: Understanding Others' Perspectives

16: Practicing Perspective-Taking

17: Understanding Emotions

18: Regulation Emotions: Part 1

19: Using Values in Conflict Resolution

20: Understanding Conflict Resolution

21: Developing Friendships

22: Strengthening Friendships

23: Applying Listening Skills: Part 2

24: Listening with Empathy

25: Exercising Perspective-Taking

26: Connecting Through Perspective-Taking

27: Connecting Motivation & Emotions

28: Regulating Emotions: Part 2

29: Making New Friends

30: Becoming a Better Friend

31: Resolving Conflicts with Friends

32: Helping Other Resolve Conflict

33: Reflecting On The Year: Part 1

34: Reflecting On The Year: Part 2

35: Reflecting On The Year: Part 3

Grade 7 Sessions

Session 1: Building Connections

Session 2: Building Community

Session 3: Developing Community Agreements

Session 4: Upholding Community Agreements

Session 5: Identifying Values

Session 6: Connecting Values & Actions

Session 7: Applying Values

Session 8: Understanding Emotions

Session 9: Identifying Emotions

Session 10: Expanding Emotion Vocabulary

Session 11: Practicing Emotion Regulation

Session 12: Applying Emotion Regulation

Session 13: Understanding Stress

Session 14: Coping with Stress

Session 15: Understanding Social Connections

Session 16: Developing Social Awareness

Session 17: Understanding Effective Empathy

Session 18: Recognizing When People Need Support

Session 19: Practicing Effective Empathy

Session 20: Understanding Mental Health & Well-Being

Session 21: Exercising Well-Being

Session 22: Increasing Personal Well-Being

Session 23: Developing Well-Being Habits

Session 24: Communicating with Assertiveness

Session 25: Practicing Assertiveness

Session 26: Learning to Compromise

Session 27: Handling Conflict

Session 28: Reflecting on Conflict Resolution

Session 29: Well-Being in Action: Introduction

Session 30: Well-Being in Action: Plan

Session 31: Well-Being in Action: Execute

Session 32: Well-Being in Action: Evaluate

Session 33: Reflecting On The Year: Part 1

Session 34: Reflecting On The Year: Part 2

Session 35: Reflecting On The Year: Part 3

Grade 8 Sessions

Session 1: Building Connections

Session 2: Building Community

Session 3: Developing Community Agreements

Session 4: Upholding Community Agreements

Session 5: Envisioning Your Future

Session 6: Connecting Values & Your Future

Session 7: Connecting Your Future & High School

Session 8: Connecting Your Future & This Year

Session 9: Developing Anchor Values

Session 10: Building Positive Habits

Session 11: Evaluating Habits

Session 12: Increasing Self-Acceptance: Part 1

Session 13: Increasing Self-Acceptance: Part 2

Session 14: Understanding How Emotions Work: Part1

Session 15: Understanding How Emotions Work: Part2

Session 16: Reflecting on Emotion Regulation

Session 17: Practicing Self Regulation

Session 18: Building an Emotion Regulation Toolbox

Session 19: Connecting Values & Emotion Regulation

Session 20: Practicing Emotion Regulation

Session 21: Regulating Emotions in Academics

Session 22: Using Values to Increase Belonging

Session 23: Understanding the Value of Teamwork

Session 24: Practicing Effective Teamwork for Impact

Session 25: Regulating Emotions on a Team

Session 26: Developing Strategies for Teamwork Challenges

Session 27: Engaging in Empathy on a Team

Session 28: Exercising Listening on a Team

Session 29: Being School Leaders: Introduction

Session 30: Being School Leaders: Plan

Session 31: Being School Leaders: Develop

Session 32: Being School Leaders: Execute

Session 33: Being School Leaders: Evaluate

Session 34: Reflecting On The Year: Part 1

Session 35: Reflecting On The Year: Part 2