long-Term impacts

“Protesters carrying Black Lives Matter signs at a demonstration against police brutality in Boston, May 2020.” Britannica

Segregation and discrimination are still dealt with today, but not nearly as much as in the mid 1900s. Headlined by “Black Lives Matter” protests, black hate is still fought for to end. However, blacks and whites are no longer separated, as we share schools, bathrooms, and everything else with each other.

In 2009, Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States. He served two terms (eight years). In 2021, Kamala Harris became the first black vice-president of the United States.

“President Obama issues a Presidential Proclamation commemorating the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday. In honoring Dr. King's legacy, the President is dedicating his day to service, and encouraging all Americans to join in and lend a hand.”


President Obama with Attorney General Kamala Harris in San Francisco in February.


Doug Mills/The New York Times