Mrs. Purcell's Class Newsletter


This week in our classroom...

We have so much to celebrate as we finish out February! The students absolutely CRUSHED their IXL goal ~ our goal was a class total of 400 3 grade or above IXL skills completed to 80%... they reached over 800 skills!  I'm so proud of their work on the math and reading skills that this program provides.  If you see them doing it at home, give them a high 5!  We also wrapped up our measurement unit in math, are really close to finishing our narrative writing, are raising healthy trout (and dissected the less fortunate trout), and celebrated Nebraska's 156th birthday.  I love sharing all of these moments with your kids ~ they are pretty awesome!  We look forward to more exciting things to come as we wind down third quarter.


This week's highlights

New kindness award winner, February awards with Mrs. Schuchardt, trout update (they are getting so big!), trout dissection, protractors to measure angles, and Nebraska's birthday!

We have a morning meeting each morning ~ hopefully they have told you how much they enjoy them so far.  We start with a greeting, then share with the whole group or partners, then an activity to get us up and moving, and finally we read through our message for the day.  We have loved building community each morning in our circle.  This week we are practicing our listening skills with different activities.

*Lincoln Field trip 3/7 (thank you to those who have sent in donations!)

*No school 3/17

*End of third quarter 3/17

*Report cards go home 3/24

Tap this button to see what kids will be working on in the classroom next week. You'll find reading concepts, grammar skills, spelling lists, GREAT videos for math skills and more!

Can you help?

Thank you for your support of our classroom!!

Be sure to connect with your child on SeeSaw if you haven't already and connect with our class on Facebook if you have the capability ~ these are you best places for a peek into our daily school lives. 

As always, check the Rohwer Flyer for any school wide information.