NMS High Ability Learners

Welcome to the North Middle School High Ability Learners Google Site! The High Ability Learners (HAL) program at the middle school level is different from the elementary program. HAL at the middle level is not a pull-out program in which the students meet regularly with the HAL Facilitator. Instead, the majority of differentiation takes place in the classroom under the guidance of the classroom teacher.

Students may meet with the HAL facilitator for special projects or units at various times throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities such as math competitions, quiz bowls, and the District spelling bee. HAL students have the opportunity to attend seminars throughout the year.

HAL students will also have the opportunity to take a six-week HAL elective each year of middle school. The elective will include topics such as the reading and analysis of advanced short stories, STEM projects, and a weekly Genius Hour/Passion Project work time. While it is not mandatory to enroll in this elective, I highly encourage HAL students to consider signing up!

Students who meet the preliminary qualifications for HAL testing will be tested using the Cognitive Abilities Test during the spring semester. Please see the tab on this site labeled "HAL Identification Procedures" for more information.

Betts MPS 6-8 High Ability Learner (HAL) Program Presentation 2020