
School supplies

1 pair earbuds to be used with iPads

Fiskar Scissors

10 2-pocket folders (2 green,2 blue,1 red, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 3 of your choice-plastic is more durable)

3 wide-ruled spiral notebooks (blue, yellow, red)

2 wide-ruled Composition books

1 small school box without handles

1 box of colored pencils

1 box of crayons not to exceed 48

2 Yellow Highlighters

1 box markers

Watercolors (Crayola)

*48 #2 sharpened plain yellow pencils

*2 large glue sticks

*2 large erasers

*1 package baby wipes (last name A-L)

*1 large bottle hand sanitizer (last name M-Z)

*1 container antibacterial wipes

*1 pack Pencil top erasers

*2 large boxes of Kleenex

*1 red pen

*1 blue pen

*2 wide black odor free dry erase markers

No Trapper Keepers please

*Items shared with the class

All other items need to be labeled with child’s name