MS Office

Millard Public Schools is fortunate to have the newest Microsoft Office Suite installed on all District computers. After-school courses are offered on the individual products within the suite. Please search Better & Better for courses on the Microsoft Office Suite. Below are several links and other resources to help in making the transition to the new products.

Employees at Millard Public Schools can now sign up for the free online version of Microsoft Office 365 Education. For information on this program please click here. is a subscription-based technology tutorial site offered free of charge to Omaha Public Library card holders. offers training on a wide range of topics from Office products to Google Drive!

*To use this site you must have an Omaha Public Library card.

If you are a Douglas County resident and would like to request a card click here.

NON-Douglas County residents are still able to apply for a card as an MPS employee. Please ask that your supervisor complete this template. Once completed, mail the form to Omaha Public Library, 215 S. 15th Street, Omaha, NE 68102 Attention: Deb Barelos. The card, and a letter of responsibility, will be returned to the supervisor who will then distribute the library card(s). (More than one name may be submitted per letter.)