Frequently Asked Questions

How does One-to-One support the Millard Educational Program?
The One-to-One deployment supports our Millard Educational Program by helping us ensure that students meet the College and Career Readiness Skills of Citizenship, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity to best prepare them for the ever changing digital landscape. Through the implementation and integration of technology teachers will augment, modify, and redefine instruction transforming how students learn.

Specifically, where and when will middle and high-school students receive their computers?
Returning middle and high school students will keep the computers they have been issued over the summer.  All 6th grade, incoming freshmen, and new students will receive their computers at their school during the school day during the first weeks of school.

What type of computer will students receive?
Each student included in the One-to-One deployment will receive a Dell Multi-functional Laptop Computer. These laptops are traditional computers with a touch screen that can also function as a tablet.

What software will be installed on the MPS issued computers?
The Windows 10 computer will have access to a wide range of educational software including Office and Google Suite, as well as Adobe Creative Cloud applications. Based on the content area (i.e., Business, Science, World Language) additional software and applications will be installed as needed.

What do students and parents need to do in order to receive an MPS computer?
Students and parents/guardians must complete the MPS Computer Loan Agreement and MPS Cooperative Loss digital forms as part of the online registration process.

How does the MPS Cooperative Loss program work?
Participation in this program is voluntary.  The form must be completed and marked “Yes” or “No” before the computer will be loaned to the student. This program covers the computer equipment loaned to the student against all accidental damage. Total value will be determined by the District at the time of loss or damage. Please refer to the Secondary One-to-One Laptop Repair Costs document for details on copays for various damages/repairs.  In the event of the computer being reported lost or stolen Millard Public Schools may require the student/parent to file a police report and submit a copy to the District.

What are the potential repair or replacement fees associated with the computer?
To see a list of charges that may be incurred when laptop damage has occurred see the One to One Computer Repair Costs document.

Will Cooperative Loss cover the expenses for the repair when gross negligence is involved?
No, if a laptop damaged due to gross negligence the expenses for repair will be charged at full value.

What are parent's responsibilities when students are using the school device at home?
Your student has been issued a One-to-One computer to personalize and improve learning.  To ensure that the computer is used safely, efficiently, and ethically please discuss your family’s values and rules in regards to technology use by your student.  Please refer to the MPS Loan Agreement form for additional information on the student and parent guidelines.

What do I do if the MPS issued computer is not working properly?
When in doubt, reboot the computer. Many computer issues can be resolved by simply restarting the computer.  A restart can often resolve issues more quickly than submitting a Helpdesk ticket or visiting the building Tech Support Center.  If a restart does not resolve the issues, students may submit a Helpdesk ticket or visit the Tech Support Center located at their building.

Will students receive a new computer each year?
No. High school students will keep the same computer through the completion of their senior year.  Middle-school students will keep the computer through the completion of their 8th-grade year.

How will students know which computer belongs to them?
Each computer is labeled and configured for an individual student and only that person can login to that computer. Students will also receive a computer bag labeled with their name.

If students choose not to participate, can they bring their own computers to school?
No, since we are providing each student with a computer it is not necessary for students to bring their own devices.  License agreements do not allow the District to load software on personal computers.  To protect instructional bandwidth and network security we limit/restrict outside computers.

Will students have a place to leave their computers at school overnight, over the weekend, or during breaks?
No, students need to take these devices home.  Students are expected to bring a fully charged computer back to school each day.

Will students keep the One-to-One computers over the summer?
Yes, by allowing students to keep their computers over the summer we are encouraging them to participate in academic pursuits all year long, including summer school.

Will students be able to access the Internet on the One-to-One computers?
Yes, they will be able to access the Internet anytime there is an available connection.

Is content filtered on the One-to-One computers when they are connected to the Internet?
Yes, each computer is filtered for inappropriate content and always passes through the District’s filtering appliance when connected to the Internet no matter the location (e.g., school, home, public wifi). When students access the Internet at home, they will be prompted to log in periodically to the “ContentKeeper” filter before proceeding onto the Internet.

What if there is no Internet access at home?
Millard Public Schools only provides Internet access for students while at school. Options for students without Internet access at home include downloading files onto their computer before leaving school, utilizing your high school’s extended library hours, or connecting to public wifi (e.g., public library).  Some Internet Services Providers (ISP) may offer discounted rates to qualifying families.  

How to learn more about staying safe online?
To learn  more about Internet safety,  students and parents may visit the following website:

What happens if a student transfers to another school within Millard Public Schools?
If a student decides to transfer to another school in Millard, they need to take their computer with them and visit the new school’s Tech Support Center in order for the computer to be properly configured.

What happens if a student decides to leave the Millard Public Schools district?
If a student decides to leave the Millard Public Schools district, the computer, bag, and power adapter will be collected as part of the school’s formal checkout/withdrawal process.

May a student personalize their computer?
With the exception of non-permanent static stickers only, students are not to personalize or embellish the computers with normal stickers, covers, cases, writing, or other identifying features. The District does label the computer with the student’s name when deployed. This label, as well as any other MPS stickers should not be removed. Students may personalize the computer bag, but in a non-permanent manner (i.e. luggage tag, stickers, etc.).   

Why is it important to keep login credentials/password a secret?
Students should never share their login credentials/passwords. Login credentials can be used to access more than just the computer (Email, Synergy, etc.), sharing login credentials opens students up to privacy issues.

What do I do if it is suspected that login credentials or password has been changed or if they are no longer secret?
Please submit a Helpdesk ticket to request a password change.  Include information about why the password change is needed.