Google Classroom Updates & News

Friedtech/02-29-24: Supercharge Google Classroom: Leverage AI & Oter New Classroom Features (Part 1)

Friedtech/10-10-23: Slidedeck Covers: Practice Sets, Interactive Questions, Disabling Submissions, Shareable Lesson Templates

Practice Sets take assignments in Google Classroom to a whole new level.  This site will help you get up and running with Practice Set in no time!

Sharing resources has never been easier in Google Classroom.  The sharing feature in Google Classroom makes collaborating as a PLC or curriculum committee seamless.  Be sure to consider this "newish" feature of Google Classroom when sharing content.

BookWidgets is a Google Classroom add-on that is used for content creation as an evaluation tool for teachers.  This site has all you need to get started.

Synergy integrates with Google Classroom.  Please reference the Synergy site for further information on Google Classroom with Synergy.