Sports Pages

Football - Coaches are Mr. Lyons, Mr. Crawford,  Mr. Walton. Mr. Hart 

Volleyball - Coaches are Ms. Sandoe , Ms. Rodriguez for Varsity/JV,  Ms. Dickinson and Ms. Hart for Reserve

Cross Country - Coaches are Ms. Hellbush and Ms. Roach 

Boy's Basketball- Coaches are Mr. Magee and Ms. Roach for Varsity/JV, Mr. Keasling  and Mr. Lyons for Reserve

Girl's Basketball- Coaches are Ms. Roach and Mr. Lyons for Varsity/JV, Mr. Crawford for Reserve

Boys Wrestling - Coaches are  Mr. Koch and Mr. Walton

Girls Wrestling - Coach is Ms. Coates 

Boy's Track - Coaches are  Mrs. Holton, Mr. Crawford and Ms. Dettinger

Girl's Track - Coaches are Ms. Rodriguez, Mrs. Daly, Ms. Sandoe

6th grade intramurals - Coaches are Mr. Keasling, Ms. Hagaman, Mrs. O'Mara and Mrs. Gaiser 

6th grade cross country club - Mrs. Anderson