Sra. Swemke

Spanish @ LHS

About Me

As a Spanish teacher, I am passionate about bringing global awareness, cultural understanding, and respect for different perspectives to my students. I am dedicated to helping my students develop their language proficiency in order to become responsible members of the global community. I strive to connect my students with Spanish speakers within our community and around the world as they continue along their language journey.

Sra. and her son at Casapueblo. Punta Ballena, Uruguay.

In order to view the Spanish 3 and Spanish 5/6 websites, students will need to access them while logged into their school gmail.

College Credit in High School (CCIHS) Instructor

Global Scholars Program Coordinator

Student Learning Liaison for World Languages, Grades 9-12

Spanish Teacher, NBCT WLOE  

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish Honor Society) Advisor

Global Connections Club Advisor

Spanish Live Coordinator & Instructor