Sora: free ebooks and audiobooks!

What is Sora?

Lincoln staff and students access FREE ebooks and audiobooks using Sora! You can borrow ebooks and audiobooks and put them on hold just like a digital library.

Accessing Sora

When using a school device (like your chromebook): Go to your "Manitowoc Public School Bookmarks" and click on Sora. Choose "Manitowoc School District" as your school, and then use your school Google account to login.

On the Internet using a Browser (like Google Chrome): Follow this link. Choose "Manitowoc School District" as your school if asked, and then use your school Google account to login.

Using an App (on a phone or chromebook): Install the Sora app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store here. Use the code wsdlcwi and choose "Manitowoc SD - Lincoln High" as your school OR search for "Manitowoc SD - Lincoln High" using your location. Use your school Google account to login.

Videos Showing How to Use Sora!

Go here to find videos showing you how to use Sora. *coming soon*

I need help using Sora!

Visit us in the library media center and we will help you learn how to use Sora!