Google Drive


Google Classroom

Google Drive:

Each student in our classroom will have their own Google Account set up through the school district. Some students started using these same accounts in fourth and third grade. The usernames and passwords should be the same as before. If your child has never accessed their account, we will be sure to get them up to speed. Google Drive is an outstanding resource! It allows the students to work on writing, presentations, movies, and more in school and anywhere else in the world that they have access to the internet. Google Drive can be used on computers, laptops, Chromebooks, and even IPads/IPods (or tablets). Google Drive accounts will be used to access Google Classroom throughout the school year.

To link to log in to Google Drive is:

Google Classroom:

Throughout the school year, we will be using Google Classroom in a variety of ways. Some of the class assignments, or even long-term at home assignments, will be assigned and collected via Google Classroom. Students will be able to have discussions with peers, help each other out, and even present research to the class. It is very important that students are able to access this using their Google account information.

The link to our Google Classroom is:

(Please note that you must be approved by myself to join our Google Classroom)