About Me

Welcome to Mrs. Davis's Fifth Grade Classroom.

A Little Bit About Me:

This will be year fourteen of me teaching at Farm Hill. I have been teaching fifth grade for the past seven years. Previous to that, I taught second grade for four years and fifth grade for two. I attended Eastern Connecticut State University, graduating in 2006 with a Bachelors of Arts in English and Elementary Education. I received my Master's from Central Connecticut State University in 2012 with a focus in Special Education. I am cross certified to teach both Elementary School (grades K-6) and Special Education (grades K-12).

Some of my hobbies and interests include; spending time with my family and friends, spending time outdoors hiking, snowmobiling, playing softball, Instructing Spinning ® , reading, and fixing things around my house.

I tell my students each year on the first day of school that in our classroom, we are family. We will learn to get along, accept each other's differences, embrace our similarities as well as our differences, and support each other through our challenges and our celebrations. I am excited to begin yet another year with another group of awesome students. Over the year we will work hard, challenge ourselves, overcome obstacles, and focus on having a Growth Mindset to always give our best to grow our brains and ourselves.

Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions, daviskim@mpsct.org.