Q: Can I work with a teacher I already know instead of being paired with one?

A: Absolutely! Just let us know who you want to work with, and we can help you both find an activity or facilitate an idea of your own.

Q: Do the suggested activities align with any standards?

A: Each activity can be aligned to different standards depending on the class or topic its being used for (writing activity, science experiment, etc.) Because Class 2 Class is a virtual platform, the use of various programs and apps will already satisfy multimedia and technology standards, while supporting the content standards. You can find out more about Arizona State Academic Standards.

Q: How long do activities last?

A: It's up to you and your partner teacher! You can choose to participate in one of our quarterly events, which can be worked on a class period a day for 1-2 weeks during the quarter, or an ongoing activity over the course of the quarter, semester, or year. Both teachers can decide how often and when their classes will work on the activity.

Q: How are classes paired up?

A: We try to pair classes based on desired activity and grade level. However, sometimes it is not always possible to match exact grade levels. In that case, we will contact you and suggest a grade above or below.

Q: If I pick an activity and find something that will work better, can I change it?

A: Activities are completely up to you and your partner. You are free to use any of the suggested activities, but you can also customize or change them to suite your classes. As long as you and your partner are in agreement, you can make whatever changes you need.

Q: What if my school does not have 1:1 technology?

A: We can suggest activities that do not require each student to have access to their own device. Some activities can be as simple as class video conferencing, or a class video sent to the partner class. Many of our suggested programs can also be accessed on smart phones.

Q: What video conferencing platforms can be used?

A: MPS Class 2 Class requires Webex to be used when interacting with a Mesa Public Schools classroom. Please click the link to check your browser's Webex capability. https://www.webex.com/test-meeting.html (If you do not have Webex downloaded, please choose "Join from Browser")

Still have questions? Contact us!