About MPS Class 2 Class

Mesa Public Schools in Mesa, Arizona is the largest school district in the state, educating over 64,000 students in 82 schools. Our goal is to connect students from different schools, backgrounds, and cultures through digital communication and collaboration. Through class connections, students can build relationships, develop social skills, strengthen communication, and become community contributors.

How does Class 2 Class work?

Classes K-12 are paired with a class of the same grade in a different school, district, state, or even country. Whether a one-time activity or an on-going relationship throughout the year, teachers can choose from a list of activities that would best suit their students' needs and personalities, or bring their own ideas!

Through the use of various programs, such as Flip, Google Apps, and WebEx, students can share their work with their partner class while fostering a virtual environment of community and collaboration.

Class 2 Class also connects classrooms with guest experts in various fields for discussions, interviews, reports, and more! Our virtual connections will enable students to continually develop the skills and attributes of "Portrait of a Graduate."