iCONsortium is a grassroots community that connects educators who are committed to cultivating a personalized competency-based learning environment by leveraging innovative practices and 1:1 technology. We provide a platform for change agents, from district admin to classroom aides, to come together and showcase their work, explore innovative approaches, discuss methodologies, share resources, and ask questions. We are a collaborative community that operates without titles in order to inspire, support, affirm, and challenge all educational stakeholders.

Follow @iConMPSAZ


iCon Promo 2022.mp4

iCONsortium Schedule
Coming Events

November 17 - At Jefferson Elementary

February 16 April 27

Challenge ideas and systems.
reate “Seventh Generation thinking by asking how the actions of the group now will affect people seven generations from now.

Listen and seek understanding.
Push myself to sit with discomfort when I do not understand the way someone else is expressing themselves or their worldview.

Pose concerns in the
form of a question.
Allow space for others to raise challenging questions and concerns, even if they
aren’t shared in an “acceptable” way.

Reignite passion for teaching
Be a force on your campus
Become an agent of change
Create new solutions
Ask big questions
Dare to dream big