
Our work is furthered through the opportunities we create to collaborate with others outside of our geographic location. Use our directory to connect with iCONs who share your personalized competency-based learning interests and demographics. In addition, use the search feature to learn about our individual strengths!

Follow @iConMPSAZ


Our Coaches

Coaches are members who serve our network by procuring resources, creating connections between iCONs, removing identified barriers, and acting as collaborative partners in the instructional planning process. Our coaches love to collaborate and can offer personalized support to individuals or small groups. To connect with a coach, click the Contact button.

Carrie Seather
All Areas

Zach Lair
All Areas

Brad Peterson
All Areas

Eric Stuebner
All Areas

Michael Massey

All Areas

Patricia Wightman

All Areas

Our Advocates

Our Advocates operate in our wider community and use their voice and resources to spread our message and champion our mission.

Nathan Myers
Director Educational Technology

Rob Atwood
Specialist Educational Technology

Dr. Randy Mahlerwein
East Area Superintendent

Dr. Andi Fourlis [Tim Hacker/ Mesa Public Schools]

Dr. Andi Fourlis