Student Responsibilities

The Five Basic Behavioral Norms:

The Foundation Of Thunderbolt Academy

1. No one has the right to hurt another person.

2. Education and the classroom are sacred.

3. We will never behave in any way that will discredit ourselves, our class or our school.

4. A Thunderbolt Academy student is always a lady or gentleman,

5. We take pride in Thunderbolt Academy!

Student Responsibilities

· Students are responsible for following the norms, procedures, schedules and directives of school personnel while at school.

· Students are responsible for all academics and individual growth for promotion.

· Students are responsible for showing respect to students and staff at all times, and may not use language or exhibit behavior in a manner that would be demeaning or vulgar, that imply any type of prejudice or discrimination toward any student.

· Students are responsible for conducting themselves lawfully.

· Students are responsible for requesting necessary medical care.

· Students are responsible for making up work when they are absent or late and for providing the acceptable documentation.

· Students are responsible for maintaining good personal hygiene.