Tip for Working with Interpreters

Interpretation vs. Translation

Do you work with students and families that speak a language other than English? We hope you’ll take the time to welcome all your students and families and create opportunities for open communication throughout the school year. Interpretation and translation will be important for you to make this happen.

Interpreters facilitate oral communication for speakers of different languages, while translators convert written messages from one language into another language. So, for an upcoming IEP meeting or a phone call home you’ll need to request interpretation and to send home a Prior Written Notice (PWN) document in another language you’ll need to request translation.

The Special Education Department has a team of specially trained interpreters and translators for seven of our most common languages (Amharic, Chinese, Hmong, Oromo, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese). We are able to provide interpretation and translation for all languages through the use of outside agencies. See Guidelines for when to utilize bilingual support staff in your school and when to request a District Special Education interpreter/translator.

The Special Education/English Learners Team provides training for bilingual support staff in schools that may be asked to interpret/translate as well as resources for licensed staff on how to work with interpreters and how to work with diverse families. Check out our online Toolkit here: https://goo.gl/YuRSsD

Want to learn more? Contact Cultural Facilitators Kassim Osman and Jessica Porath for more information or to schedule a 30 minute training for your school team on how to work with interpreters. Email spedinterpreters@mpls.k12.mn.us.