SPED Staff Site Get's a Much Needed Update


Early last school year the district made the decision to update the application that hosts the Staff Intranet. That application is a Microsoft product called SharePoint. The updated was a necessity due to modern browser compatibility issues. Simply put, the older version of SharePoint was starting to fail and needed an update.

As a result...

Early last school year district departments who had Staff Intranet sites were asked to move all of the information, resources, links documents, etc... from the older version of SharePoint to the new-and-improved version. Due to the large amount of content that has been created, revised and archived over the years, this was quite the undertaking. This also was a good opportunity to do some "house cleaning" and define a clear scope and focus to the important information the SPED department shares with all MPS staff members.

Moving Forward...

As a department, Special Education has a goal to provide staff members with the most up-to-date information and resources. The Staff Intranet is the place where we host those items. So...please take some time to explore the new site: https://minneapolispublicschools.sharepoint.com/sites/SPED and create a new bookmark in your web browser. We are continually adding new resources, interactive web tools, news from the department, videos, etc...

If you have any questions, concerns or are having difficulty finding something please reach out to David Gorke: david.gorke@mpls.k12.mn.us