Daily Learning

Hello first grade families. Welcome to the new adventure that is distance learning with 6 and 7 year olds! Dealing with COVID-19 presents challenges for everyone from fear and stress to loneliness. My hope with distance learning is that it can relieve some of the stress our students may be feeling. I am working to provide them with: 1) activities from school that feel comfortable and familiar, 2) ways to connect with their teacher and friends, and, 3) engaging academic activities to keep them learning.

Teachers have been asked to ease kids into this distance learning adventure. Below you will find a daily learning schedule. I will update it each day with new activities. I am trying to create activities that students can do independently or with limited adult help. This is meant to be their work, not yours! ; ) For these first weeks I've planned a daily schedule of about 2-3 hours worth of work. It can be completed all at once, or in chunks throughout the day. If that sounds about right, great! If you'd like more work, please let me know! If that sounds overwhelming, please know that I understand that everyone's focus right now is on staying safe and healthy. If students are unable to complete all daily work that is okay, and I am here to support them with anything they may need.

If your student is all set with technology (e.g. they have a tablet or laptop with a camera and internet connection) please have them watch this video . It will show them how to login. They can complete ALL their daily assignments using Seesaw and Clever. All the login info they need is on the glittery piece of paper from the envelope I delivered. If your student does not yet have technology, please know that most of the families in Minneapolis are in the same boat. If you like, your student can follow along and watch the videos linked in the schedule, and complete the worksheets also linked in the schedule. Or, if you'd prefer they can work on packets sent by the district and I will check-in to support them.

I am available to answer any and all questions by phone or email from 9am to 3:30. You can reach me at 773-517-8932, or by email at sadie.cox@mpls.k12.mn.us . Looking forward to working with all of our students again soon! -Ms. Sadie

Daily Distance Learning Schedule