Sullivan/Anishinabe Media Center

STEAM principles are used all over the world to solve problems and make people's lives better. Here are some examples of people making a difference using STEAM principles!

What is STEAM?

STEAM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. The focus at Sullivan is engineering. We will be learning about solving problems using the engineering process. If you'd like to learn more, see the resources below.

What is STEAM Education?

STEAM Stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.  While these are subjects that are often taught in a traditional setting, the focus of STEAM education is to integrate these subjects in the same way they interact in careers and everyday experiences.  This video from STEAM Education gives an overview of the aspects of STEAM education and a peek into student experiences.

In addition to integrating content, STEAM education at Sullivan seeks to help students build the skills and experiences that they need to engage in learning, their communities, and careers.

21st Century Skills

We hear a lot about 21st Century Skills, but what does that mean?  

STEAM education goes beyond the classroom to help students make connections between their classroom and the real world.  We are working with local experts and organizations to link interviews with experts, field trips, 

All of this is a lot to deliver, and project-based learning is the model that is supporting Sullivan STEAM Magnet in making all of these components a reality.  Learn about the difference between a school project and project-based learning in this video from Edutopia.

 activities to keep steam power moving all summer

steam-focused websites with activities for kids!

Adventures in Chemistry!

From the American Chemistry Association

Little Bins, Little Hands

Science and STEM activities for all kids and families

Outdoor Famlies Online

Resource to help families spend more time outside

Steam Powered Family

Great engineering activities to do together