Emotion of the week

Emotion of the Week

Tired (blue zone):

Bear Snores On

Ready to Learn (green):

Perfectly Imperfect

Out of Control (red):

Marvin Gets Mad

Capable (green):

Except When They Don't

Ignored (yellow):

The Invisible Boy

Hangry (red):


Grumpy (yellow):

Goodnight Already!

Grateful (green):

Here and Now

Frustrated (yellow):

Those Pesky Rabbits

Frustrated (yellow):

On Account of the Gum

Furious (red):

Ravi's Roar

Hurt (blue):

Each Kindness

Content (green):

Peace is an Offering

Brave (yellow):

A Walk in the Woods

Anxious (yellow):

John's Turn

Confused (yellow):

The Mixed-Up Chameleon (not Ms Birgit)

Proud (green):

Jingle Dancer

Curious (green):

You Are Stardust

Valued (green):

I Will Dance

Accomplished (green):

The Librarian of Basra

Overwhelmed (yellow):

The Worrywarts

Conflicted (yellow):

The Remember Balloons

Conflicted (yellow):

 Say Something!

Jealous (yellow):

Unicorn (and Horse)

Jealous (yellow):

The New Small Person

Jealous (yellow):


Reflective (green):

We Wait for the Sun  

Disappointed (yellow):

The Rabbit Listened

Disappointed (yellow):

Jabari Tries

Scared (yellow):

Me and My Fear