World Languages

ENGLISH           MATH           SCIENCE           SOCIAL STUDIES          PE & HEALTH          ELECTIVES          ESOL         VIRTUAL VIRGINIA

Many colleges and/or universities have their own compulsory language requirements.  Some universities will give college credit and/or place students in the proper level so they will not have to repeat skills they have already mastered.  Students should check with colleges/universities as to their specific policy.

Native or heritage speakers are placed in Spanish for Fluent Speakers.  A native or heritage speaker is one who grew up in a household where Spanish was spoken, with at least one household member regularly using the language to communicate with him/her, and where the student communicates back in Spanish. Please note that a student in this category is most likely somewhere in the spectrum of bilingualism (i.e. has two "first languages," regardless of which language was learned first).  

French I                                                           

Grades 9-11                                           Credit 1                                                 

French I emphasizes the development of students’ communicative competence in the foreign language and their understanding of the culture (s) of the people who speak the language.  Emphasis is on the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Focus on vocabulary building, grammar study, and oral participation is a daily activity.  Students take part in simple conversations and learn to read and write basic questions and answers. 


French II                                                          

Grades 10-12                                         Credit 1        

Prerequisite: Successful completion of French I

French II emphasizes intermediate language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about the French family, how they live, work, and play.  Students will become acquainted with the customs, problems, and cultures of modern French‑speaking peoples.


French III                                                         

Grades 11-12                                        Credit 1                       

Prerequisite: Successful completion of French II 

French III emphasizes advanced skills in language development. Conversations and instructions are in French.  Focus on French authors and compositions are required about daily French life and culture. Grammar is a continued focus.


Spanish I                                                         

Grades 9-11                                        Credit 1                                                                             

The basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing will be emphasized. Daily preparation for class and completion of homework are expected. Vocabulary study, spelling, sentence structure, grammar and oral participation on a daily basis will be stressed. Students take part in simple conversations and learn to read and write basic questions and answers. Facts about the geography, customs, and culture of the country are studied.


Spanish II                                                        

Grades 10-12                                                  Credit 1                     

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish I

Spanish II continues a more in-depth study of structure and grammar.  Culture reading selections present customs and mores of various Hispanic countries.  Applied use of the language is increased.


Spanish III                                                       

Grades 11-12                                           Credit 1                      

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish II or Spanish for Native Speakers II

Spanish III increases the student's ability to read, listen, write and speak in the target language through the study of more complex


Spanish for Native Speakers I   

Grades 9-11                                        Credit 1    

This course is designed for students whose first language is Spanish.  This course is designed to be a Language Art Class.  Students work with reading comprehension of Short Stories, Legends, Poems.  They learn to appreciate the diversity within the Hispanic countries.  They learned from each other and greatly improve their vocabulary.  Students will be able to write in paragraphs as well as give oral presentations in Spanish. 


Spanish for Native Speakers II

Grades 10-12                                        Credit 1  

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish for Native Speakers I

In this course they start to work with more academic Spanish readings and writings. They write three paragraphs essays. They read a novel. They learn how to analyze the information in depth. The learn some elements of the figurative language.


Spanish for Native Speakers III

Grades 10-12                                        Credit 1  

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish for Native Speakers I and II

They learn more elements of the figurative language. They work with diverse Hispanic authors. They learn about different types of novels. They write reports analyzing the media and comparing the USA news and media with the one that is presented in Hispanic countries.