

Thank you everyone for the amazing festival season!

Hopefully next year will be just as good if not better.

The plans going forward for the rest of this year, and the beginning of next year, is to have more meet-ups off site. This is for a couple of reasons: 

I am still new to the role of leader and want the McDara Family of Trade to develop, grow and thrive. I want old members to feel secure and safe but also to encourage and grow the group in a positive direction. It is with these off-season meetups that we can create those connections and build a stronger McDara.

Lastly, I am always open for discussion and ideas to help better the group.

Jeff Greenberg | McDara Mór

 Dates to Remember

September 9 and/or 10 Stitch & Bitch 

Upland - Dennise's house 

This is an opportunity fix current clothes or measuring for new ones and create patterns. I know I am being overoptimistic. The hope is for everyone working together with varying skills to create a positive outcome. I do not expect full clothes to be made but having tools/skills to continue working on, in your own time. I would like to have multiple “Stitch and Bitch” to maybe get everyone a new shirt or other garments. We can discuss this after the first one is done and how far anything got done. 

November 11 or 12  Potluck "Ketchup" 

Upland or Redlands

The Plan for November is to have a potluck and catch-up.  Maybe a continuation of the “Stitch and Bitch”. 

January 13 or 14 Guild Meeting 


January is to start talking about the festival and getting times/dates taken care of; build out dates, dinner/kitchen schedule, and any other concerns.

March 9 or 10 Guild Meeting 


March will be much the same as January except faire registration should be done, guild dues, more build-out planning.

April 27-28 Build Out Weekend #1

April 27-28 Build Out Weekend #2

April 27-28 Build Out Weekend #3

April 27-28 Build Out Weekend #4

MAY 27 – MAY 30 Military Appreciation Weekend 

Dates not yet actually announced

MAY 25-27 Military Appreciation Weekend 

Dates not yet actually announced

June 1-2 Market Mayhem

Dates not yet actually announced

June 8-9 Pirate Weekend

Dates not yet actually announced

June 15-16 Celtic and Norse Weekend

Dates not yet actually announced

June 22-23 Baron’s Birthday Celebration

Dates not yet actually announced

Tear Down

To Be Announced  Tear Down