
Chemical Reaction One Pager

The Impact of Chemical Reaction

In this project, students will become experts about a chemical reaction in which the atoms of the original substance are regrouped into different molecules that contain properties unique from the original substance. They will research the science behind their assigned chemical reaction and produce an infographic to visually represent the molecular changes and a graph to show the reaction over time. They will also draw connections between humanities and math by analyzing the societal applications of their chemical reaction and creating a mathematical model to reproduce their chemical reaction at extremely large or small scales. At the final exhibition, they will demonstrate and explain their chemical reaction in front of a live audience.

Actually, it IS Rocket Science One Pager

Actually, it IS Rocket Science...

This unit is an engineering design challenge. Students will be challenged to design, build and launch a model rocket capable of carrying a raw egg safely back to earth. They will also use the law of conservation of energy, Newton’s second law as well as proportional and linear relationships to make calculations about their rocket’s energy, motion and force. The team whose rocket reaches the highest altitude while keeping their egg cargo intact will be crowned grand champions!

Escape from Space One Pager 2021

Escape from Space

During this project students will explore the movement, characteristics and formation of the many objects in our solar system. Students will also learn about the different ways scientists explore our solar system. Students will then use what they have learned to collaboratively design a space-themed escape room, where users will have to solve puzzles about space in order to escape.

Mock COP-26

Our culminating project of the year is a Mock COP-26, in which students are assigned roles representing different countries participating in the annual United Nations climate talks-COP 26 (Conference of the Parties). Students research the positions of their assigned country in order to best represent it during negotiations. Students will have read scholarly and policy articles debating climate change issues prior to the convention.

Students will demonstrate empathy with other countries' circumstances and perspectives; and use critical thinking on the notions of historical responsibility and climate debt, determining a fair burden-sharing agreement on climate change.

Curriculum Map Calendar for the Year Hyperlink