Short Stories

Untitled Piece #2

Sara Mallon

A cold splash drenches me, waking me up to Gomes’ mischievous grin and a wooden bucket in his arms. I leap out of my bed and kick him lightly, “I swear to Prince Carlos I will have your head on my dinner plate if you do that again.” He laughs at me and fake winces.

“Very scary, Angelina.” Gomes mocks fear as he puts the bucket down on the stone floor, a slight echo is heard.

I sigh. That boy will be the death of me. I have roomed with Gomes for as long as I have been in this “royal guard.” We were originally bunk mates, forced together in a room full of other grimy street boys.

Confusing and concerning to some, as I am genetically female, but I was mistaken for a boy. The only reason they would get that impression is for my very petite stature, lack of chest (for being a child although it still has not improved over my maturity) and raggedy short hair, I was found and taken in. I really forget who found me, she was pretty that’s for sure, a princess I bet. It felt straight out of those fairy tales, I almost couldn’t believe it, like God gave me a second chance at life. This second chance, however, wasn’t glamorous like the stories. The boys taken in ranged from orphans to the homeless, even vandals.

One of these vandals was Gomes, originally asserting his dominance out of the group by fighting the smaller boys (or at least scary the ever living Christ out of them). Threatening the younger, scrawnier boys, with the only thing he had brought over, a carved knife his uncle made for him. The only way he was able to keep it, as I was very curious how he was allowed such a weapon in our cell, was that he made it very clear this was all he had left of his family.

I felt sorry for him and so did most people.

The sob story brought the Spanish Guard to let him keep it, and he only took it out behind closed doors. During the time of our bunking we developed a relationship, it was a brotherly love, we fought and argued like children, but at the same time had rare vulnerable moments. I’m the only one who's seen Gomes cry. It’d happen in the middle of the night (when the rats are even asleep) and he’s scared awake by his nightmares. The poor boy doesn’t realize he goes to me, forgetting about the entire situation in the morning. I don’t plan on telling him about that, seeing it’d hurt his ego.

Over the course of these years we got older, stronger, more experienced. Our cell got changed into a small cobblestone room with two beds, where we stay now, and where I was rudely awakened. We only did such outlandish things if we were going under attack, or if we woke up late. I didn’t think I overslept, seeing as it was still dark outside. I wiped some more water off of my face, now questioning his behavior.

“Why’d you wake me up?” He was across the room now, not even facing me till I broke the silence of my thoughts.

“Oh, yeah,” Gomes dug in his pocket, pulling out a small crinkled paper before squinting at the scribbled Spanish, “Angelina..reportar a...Emperor Charles... ahora.”

To be continued.


Praise Ighodaro

“6-count or 8-count?”

“Excuse me?”

“Do you want a 6 count of chicken nuggets or an 8 count of chicken nuggets?”

6 or 8. Multiples of 2, made up of circles and curved lines. 6 and 8. The last two numbers of his phone number. (302) 491 - 0468. He said, “don’t forget +1 so you can reach me anywhere in the world.” I guess he lied because I’m in Chick-Fil-a, dialed his number 5 times, +1 and all.

My ears, betrayed because the sound of his voicemail used to be comforting but now it's a painful reminder that I’m no longer in his memory. He doesn’t have to worry about my loneliness because I know he’s not thinking of me. To be left, ignored, and betrayed. To know deep down that he does not want you. To be angry, longing for revenge.

Because how dare he leave me to order his favorite Chick-Fil-A meal even when I’m not hungry. How dare he leave me to use the gift card we were supposed to use together. How dare he tell me he loves me. How dare he get into our car to pick up the Chick-Fil-A I asked for. To instead of chicken got T-boned and I wish I meant the steak.

How dare he flip his car 8 times. 8 times. 8 times I didn’t say I love you. 8 times I missed calls. 8 minutes I sat peaceably thinking about Chick-Fil-A and my 8-count chicken nuggets. 8 minutes it took for me to get to the hospital after his mom called. 8 hours. 8 hours in the ICU. 8 seconds. 8 seconds to took for the look on the Doctor’s face to convince me of everything I thought impossible.

How dare he not wake up and say, “it’s okay babe. Are you hungry? Do you want some Chick-Fil-A?” For all the cows Chick-Fil-A saves they couldn’t spare one lowly boyfriend. Call it the reckoning, fate, life, but could the devil himself be this cruel? How dare he go. How dare this cashier interrupt my thoughts.

“6-count or 8-count?”

“…Can I have a salad, please?”

Tongues of Fire

Izabelle Garcia

Edgy, she thought, gazing into the light of the flame. This was very edgy, even to her standards.

All she had to do was bring the old birthday candle’s flicker of fire into her mouth and extinguish it with her own tongue.

Simple, right?

No matter how much she was threatened by the prospect, she had to do this to join their ranks.

The candle was held by its unlit end as she slowly hovered the fire over her slowly parting lips, a small tremble as she did so. She could taste the wax dripping dangerously close to her tongue.

3, 2, 1.

She bit down on the flame, charring her tongue and leaving a smoky taste in her mouth, but she liked it. It was only her mouth that had any contact with the now extinct candlelight, but her whole body felt like it was on fire, trembling with adrenaline. She knew she done the deed.

A familiar demon pops up across from her, mouth spread in a wicked grin. “You did it, edgelord.”

The girl simply takes out the candle from her mouth and discards it in the trash. “Yeah, I did. So?”

“Alright, alright.” The demon snaps his fingers and a crimson portal appears besides them. “You’re welcome to mess with the fires with me now.”

This was gonna be fun.

A Christmas Birthday

Maira Khan

Green leaves sway to the wind from the east. The black lamp post in front flickering on and off as a person walks by it. The person is wearing a pair of earrings that hook up to the top of their ear, or scarf. It shines brightly, casting a bright light that could’ve blinded someone walking in front. The person’s phone goes off and they reach into their coat’s pocket to attend the call.

“Hello?” The person questions, their voice sounding like a mummer against the wind.

“You’re late, genius! Hurry up!” An excited voice answers.

“I’m right here, open the door,” the person replies, stepping in front of a red door. The person knocks on the door after hearing the call end on their side. Their phone goes back into the pocket and the red door swings open.

“Happy Birt-wrong person, wrong person,” the person from the phone waves her hand dismissively. “Seriously Zayna! I thought you were Madeline.”

“Sorry, but she’s gonna be here in a few minutes anyway,” Zayna takes off her coat and hangs it up on the coat rack, she adjusts her pale pink scarf while greeting Madeline’s family. “Places everybody!”

Zayna hides right next to the person from the phone. The lights go off and everyone stays still, holding their breath, awaiting the birthday girl. A burst of cold wind signals everyone to jump up from their hiding spots, smiles on everyone’s faces.

“Happy Birthday, Madeline!” The guests all cheer. The woman in front covers her mouth with her hand and excitedly jumps up and down, her shoulder-length, blonde, wavy hair bounces on her shoulders.

“You guys!” Tears swell up in her hazel eyes as she goes around hugging everyone. “But it’s Christmas! What are all of you doing..?”

“Celebrating your birthday, Madeline, duh,” Zayna answers. “Ryuu over here has literally zero chill, calling me every five minutes to see where I’m at.”

“Hey! You can’t come after the birthday girl arrives! That destroys the whole point,” Ryuu comes over, giving the both of them a huge hug. “Anyway, Madeline, you should totally open my present because it is the BEST gift.”

“Before your gift, we should eat, then she can open her family’s gifts then yours,” Zayna pats Ryuu’s shoulder before going over to the kitchen and helping with food.

“You guys are so great! Throwing me a birthday party on such a big holiday and all,” Madeline wipes away her happy tears.

“Of course Maddy, you’re our friend. What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t throw you a birthday party?” Ryuu grins, her pearly white teeth showing.

“Seriously though, thank you,” Madeline smiles brightly as Zayna comes back over to call everyone for food.

“Anytime,” Zayna smiles back.

“Group hug!” Ryuu announces, pulling the both of them into a tight hug again. Snow falls outside and everyone points at it, enjoying the beautiful individual snowflakes falling from the sky.

“Happy birthday Maddy,” Zayna and Ryuu say in unison.

Happy birthday to everyone who’s birthdays are on or during Christmas time!!


Grace Bentley


I know it’s been a while.

I’ve seen the normal life we had fade away.

You left in February.

It’s almost May.

Your birthday. Another birthday with you. Sorry- without you.

Seventeen, quite the scene, kind of wish you were here with me.

I know they say the air is cleaner north,

And the people sweeter down south.

But nothing has left a bitter taste quite like this.

My friends have gotten used to your absence.

Sometimes they ask if you’re okay. If you have new friends yet. If you found a new girlfriend yet.

That stings, I won’t lie.

But it’s bittersweet. Like everything is.

I know you’ll be happier with time.

A new state, new friends, new life to live.

To be honest.

I’d rather you stay.

But if it means your happiness.

And a future brighter than the one we had

By all means


I won’t promise that we will have the life we wanted together.

But I’m sure it will be akin to the one you have now.

Happy birthday.

Winter Unicorn

Mayra Taylor

The forest was so silent this time of year, for every animal made themselves scarce and every plant was withered, save for the evergreen trees that stood proudly in all their glory. They were the only things that really stood out against the unmoving white of the season, everything else being either concealed due to the snow or wrapped in the arms of death itself. Life was hardly a match for the fierce cold of the winter, but somehow, it still prevailed. Alas, the day that light was meant to triumph over darkness was not this day.

There were those of the living that death took by the hand without receiving protest, leading them to a place unknown to any who drew sustenance from the earth. There were other who evaded the looming threat of life’s end by shutting their eyes tightly, not opening them to the world until the first flower made its warmly welcomed appearance. Then there was her.

She was almost as old as the land she trod upon, yet her youth was as everlasting as anything. With a coat the same shade of the snow-covered ground and a mane that seemed as though it was crafted from silver thread, no other being residing within the woodland rivaled her beauty. Even death dared not touch her, fearing the consequences of what may happen if it tried.

The non-believers only saw a wild mare, but those who could see past the illusion were greeted by the sight of what was thought to be a fabled creature. The unicorn was the only of her kind, no other being having the ability to match her beauty or semblance, but that’s what made life lonely for the horned animal. Every creature within the forest was unique, yes, but none compared to what she was.

Just like the white snowflakes fell from the sky, a small clear crystal fell from the corner of the unicorn’s eye, a tear of silent grief. While humans celebrated holiday traditions with those closest to them and the animals of the woods were huddled away from the chilling grasp of demise, only the unicorn remained standing in the harshening blizzard.

As the cold flakes continued to fall harder than the minute before, the visibility soon reduced to none. Like her bones were turning to ice, the mythical beast made no attempt to find shelter from the storm that would rage on for hours. It seemed as if the violent weather would never come to an end when the snowfall lessened, but once one could see at least a mile in front of them, the unicorn wasn’t anywhere to be seen, a faded mirage that was once so real.