Trademark & Quality Guarantee
MQCC® Bungay
Brand of Computer and Scientific Services
Source Identification and Control over the Nature and Quality of the Goods and Service
is a MQCC® Bungay trademark (word, name, symbol, device, or combination thereof that is used to identify the goods of an applicant, to distinguish them from the goods of others, and to indicate the source of the goods (Source: USPTO: TMEP 1202.16(a) November 2023) )which functions as a source indicator when used-in-commerce; the trademark serves as your guarantee of quality.
All MQCC® Bungay goods and services are manufactured or delivered within an environment whose operations and operating systems including professional requirements, standards, techniques and proactices are built on principles, concepts and core processes that conform to American and International Federal (National) Standards of Quality; a higher level of standards which give you a higher-level of assurance that your goods and services will conform to your requirements resulting in you enjoying a higher-level of trust.
MQCC® Bungay Quality Statement
MQCC® Bungay: publishes or produces the goods and controls their quality.
The required necessary and sufficient control of quality is achieved through, in part:
license agreements and
other documentary or contractual evidence
This assurance of utmost quality is known by the MQCC® Bungay trademark source identifier:
Dual-Purpose Mark (Indicators)
Model and Grade Designation
Some MQCC® Bungay trademarks represent a family of goods and services which also serve a dual-purpose as also serving as model or grade designation. Other MQCC® Bungay indicators are not used to identify source and only to differentiate between different products within a product line (or services or services within a service line) or delineate levels of quality in the form of Model and Grade designations which are generally comprised of numbers or letters or alphanumeric matter or a combination thereof.
Formulation of the Trademark
Official is defined as "authorized by a proper authority; authoritative."
Authentic is defined as "not fraudulent or counterfeit."
Original is defined as "preceding all others in time; first."
As defined by The American Heritage Dictionary (2023).