
MQCC® Bungay


Brand of Computer and Scientific Services

MQCC® Bungay:  Your Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Organization

With USA Head Office in Washington, DC; since at least as early as September 16, 2006, the Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization MQCC® (MQCC.org) is the world's first and only international organization that helps federal and non-federal, government and non-government organizations; regional, national and international regulators; regulatees, non-regulated and regulatory exempt organizations (government, commercial and non-commercial) to improve general public trust and reduce regulated and non-regulated industry risk, through development and implementation of conformity systems based upon seminal quantum-unification principles and "proof-of-work" (MQCC® proprietary "proof-of-quality" (POQ token) technology [BlockchAIn™ Zero One® BLOCKCHAIN™ brand source identifier brand quality management systems and conformity management systems] .

MQCC® is both a global leader and standard-setter organization that "says what it does and does what it says" with its own, Quality Management Systems registered to meet both the rigorous 'National Standard of Canada' for Quality Management Systems, published by the CSA Group (Canadian Standards Association) and USA equivalent: 'American National Standard' (ANS) for Quality Management Systems published by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). The Standard is recognized and trusted by Canadians, USA residents and consumers in over 119 countries including Mexico, UK & AU.

Bungay International Inc. (Bungays.com) is discoverer and owner of the originating body of knowledge (intellectual property) for which MQCC® is appointed as the Global Network Administrator (GNA and corporate Trustee.

Get started with MQCC® Bungay OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL OAO™ brand of computer and scientific services today; contact info@mqcc.org to learn more or to schedule a 3 hour paid consultation, by appointment only, at the MQCC® Washington, DC, USA Head Office.

Visit MQCC® Bungay at www.mqcc.org.