Social Media


Choosing social media is a good decision, because it is an ever-expanding field that can reach the vast majority of the target audience quickly, efficiently, and cost effectively. The use of several of the most popular social media sites provides platforms to reach the most students possible. These platforms cater to different demographics, and people that have one of them do not necessarily have all of them. Content can be cross-posted across all three social media platforms as well, making it easy to provide information to many people.

Posting Cheat Sheet

In order to show our partner how to efficiently use the social media sites that we created for them, we created a chart of hints, tips, and tricks for posting on the various social media sites, shown below. Included in this chart as well is a list of buzzwords (i.e. "organic" "farmersmarket" "farmfresh") to hashtag in order to garner maximum attention. We included some example posts that can be used by the Morris Area Farmers Market. These are good for showing how to use many or several of the tips and tricks that we curated in one post. Everything has been designed so that our partner may use it with the most ease.

Image of two people at Rolling Fork Farms farmers market booth, with words "don't buy from a stranger, buy from your neighbor" laid over

Utilizing several photos of products and of the Morris Area Farmers Market, we created several "meme" style images that make for easy sharing. These images include visual stimulation as well as relevant short text to get a point across quickly.

Facebook post from Morris Area Farmers Market: "Farmers Market Fun Fact #76: Out of every $100 spent at a farmers market an average of $62 goes back into the local economy, and $99 out of the $100 styas in state. Where only $25 stays from a grocery store"
Twitter post from Morris Area Farmers Market

These sample posts from various social media sites (Facebook and Twitter respectively) show how the sites can be implemented in keeping possible customers informed and entertained simultaneously. This keeps attention of the target audience long enough to attain staying power and increases the possibility of the audience becoming customers, without becoming overbearing and driving them away.