Kindergarten Resources

"Kindergarten may be students’ first experience with classroom learning of science, but they have been exploring the world around them since birth. Students’ natural curiosity and questions are the initial basis for science instruction and must be used, developed, and refined. Each of the instructional segments in this grade-level description is framed around phenomena that students can directly experience, observe, and question: What do plants and animals need to survive? Why do certain plants and animals live in our community? Will it be hot tomorrow? What happens when two toy trucks crash?"

(CA Science Framework, Chapter 3, 2016)

NGSS-Interactive-Read-Alouds (1).pdf

Kindergarten Cheat Sheet

Copy of 0. NGSS Cheat Sheet for Kinder 2017.pdf

Sample Scope & Sequence

i. Sampe Scope & Sequence.pdf