Classroom Information

Click on the yellow box for the Montour Kindergarten Website. You will find readiness checklists, supply lists, expectations, fun websites for your child, learning activites, parent resources, and much more.


8:30 – 9:00 Arrival- homeroom and morning duties- Attendance, unpack, check folder for “mail”, lunch count,

morning work, choice time/morning tubs, and bathroom break

9:00 – 9:30 Morning Meeting- calendar routines and calendar activities- Calendar Math- countdown of days, number of the day, money, place value, tally marks, ten frames, number talk, etc.

Pledge of Allegiance, monthly poem, days of the week song, sight word review, write morning message, daily song, and Spanish lesson

9:30 - 10:30 Reading/Language Arts (Journeys)- Letter/sound identification, Heggerty phonemic awareness, read aloud story- comprehension and vocabulary skills, seatwork, word building, centers/small group work

10:35 - 11:15 Recess on playground/ Snack/ Group bathroom break

11:20 – 12:15 Math (Into Math)- Math lessons, centers/small group work, Chromebook time

12:25 – 1:05 LUNCH- In the cafeteria & lunch recess- with lunch supervisors

1:05 - 1:25 Handwriting/ Journals/Read book to Class- Bathroom breaks

1:30 - 2:10 Unified Arts – See monthly calendar for specials schedule

2:15 – 2:30 Rest Time- Bathroom breaks/ pack-up

2:30 - 2:50 Science/ Social Studies/ Social Focus

2:50 - 3:00 Prepare for dismissal/pick-ups. Parent pick up dismissal to hallway at

2:50. Leave for bus rooms 2:58.

What my child needs for Kindergarten:

  • Backpack- needs returned to and from school daily with the daily take-home folder inside

  • Snack- to be kept separate from lunch and labeled "snack"- Please provide a healthy snack or snacks daily. We eat snack in the classroom, so please do not send in fruit cups or anything that is messy and/or difficult to open. Please make sure all utensils, napkins, etc. are packed and your child can eat the items provided independently. Some snack examples include: dry cereal, pretzels, cereal bars, pre-cut fruits/vegetables, raisins, goldfish, crackers, etc. I have extras if needed/someone forgets. Also, our extra snack supply quickly depletes, so any individually wrapped snack donations are always welcome and appreciated! Thank you! :)

  • Lunchbox (if packing/not buying )- Since we will be eating in the classroom and not in the cafeteria, please make sure all utensils, drinks, napkins, etc. are packed and your child can eat the items provided independently. Boxed lunches will be delivered to our classroom for those students who are buying their lunch for the day.

  • Water bottle for the classroom- Please send in a non-spillable, non-breakable water bottle (wood laminate floor) with a sports lid or straw, no twist off lids. Please make sure your child is able to open/close it, and fill it independently. No juice- only water is permitted.

  • Change of clothes- Put in a large Ziploc bag, labeled, and can be kept at school or in backpack- your choice.

  • School Supplies- Please send your child's school supplies on the first day/week of school. All folders/items on supply list should have your child's name on them. If it is too much, you can spread sending in the items throughout the week if needed, no worries- they are not needed on the first day. I will be putting all your child's supplies in a very large Ziploc bag labeled with your child's name and they will be put in a safe spot in the classroom. We will NOT be sharing any supplies. NOTE: Do not worry if you do not have Clorox wipes to send in and/or couldn't find an item on the supply list. I always have extra supplies and I will let you know if something is needed once I organize the supplies. Also, your child will NOT be using any chemicals to clean as I will be doing the wiping and/or cleaning of items- just an FYI!

  • Extra supplies- Not on the Kindergarten supply list (completely optional)- antibacterial hand wipes, a small personal hand sanitizer and small pack of tissues (both travel size) to be kept in your child's desk, and extra masks- to be kept in backpack if needed.

  • Rest blanket/towel for Rest Time- Please send in a small blanket or towel for your child to use during rest time that can fit into a plastic bin. They will be kept at school and then sent home to be washed at the end of the week. This is a calm relax/recharge time. He/she does not have to sleep!

  • Lanyard/bag tag (will be given the first day of school)- *transportation home*- Important!! Please email me before school starts or send in a note on the first day of school to let me know how your child is getting home from school- bus or parent pick-up. If your child is taking the bus, please let me know the dismissal bus number. Thank you in advance! Please wear this to school on your child for the first week. It will have your child's name and HOME bus number only. Please find your child's bus stop/bus number, and arrival and dismissal times on the Montour website home page. Please go to Departments- Transportation- Bus Schedule- Montour Elementary School listings. Please be patient as the first two weeks might not be the exact times. If a bus is running late at dismissal for a reason, you will be notified.

  • A good sleep routine- it will be a long day for the first few weeks!

  • A smile and positive attitude!!