About Me


Dear Parents,

I am very excited to meet your children and to have the blessing of teaching them this year! 

Your child’s schedule will be forthcoming.  As I receive this information, I will share it with you.   

We will be celebrating birthdays during the school day.   Please do not send in snacks.  You may send to school birthday favors such as pencils, small toys, etc. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate it in June.  I am not permitted to allow the students to pass out birthday invitations unless there is one for each child, or if there is one for every boy or for every girl.  

I will be sending home letters that will help in learning new procedures and routines, such as….snack information, Curriculum schedules, homework policies, etc.

We will have planners to record homework and reminders.  The planners are a great way to communicate with each other.  These planners will go home daily.  Help your child get into the habit of looking at the information in the planner.  

I will be in touch with more information as it presents itself.  


Mrs. Baxter 4124898300 ext. 4110                                                                      


Meet the teacher......

Meet Mr. Baxter.  We are celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary!

Meet my daughter, Brooke.  She is in twelfth grade here at the high school!

Meet Amber Wisp!  I just didn't have the heart to wake her!!

My bee balm bloomed for the first time.  My first Bumble visit!