Ms. Betsy's Class

Elementary I (1st-3rd)

Hello Families!

I am so excited to start this new journey with all of you! On this page you will find a weekly schedule and some weekly works. We will have morning meetings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week at 11:00. I will have office hours where I am available for individual meetings every day from 3 - 4. If you want to schedule a meeting you can schedule those on Google Calendar. I look forward to seeing everyone on our first video chat on Friday morning!

Weekly Schedule

Check this schedule each week to see the whole group activities we have planned. In addition to these events, individual meetings will be scheduled with your teacher.

Weekly Schedule Remote Learning Ms. Betsy

Weekly Works

Check this document for assignments and suggested activities to work on from home.

Weekly Works Remote Learning Ms. Betsy


A weekly lesson or activity for each of our enrichment classes can be found here. Work on these activities throughout the week and be ready to share with your teachers and friends at the times shown in your weekly schedule!

Specials Remote Learning Lower Elementary

Learning Resources

Here you will find resources that include activities and ideas to help further support your child's learning from home.

Learning Resources Remote Learning Elementary I