Lesson 3.5

"The Third Husband"

Welcome to English 11 Unit 3, Lesson 5!

Below you will find the objective for this lesson...

After reading this section of the anchor text, students will consider how Hurston invokes optimism in her text.

What are we reading in Lesson 3.5?

  • Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God (Anchor Text), Chapters 10-13

Lesson 3.5 Assignments:

CLICK HERE to view deadlines and must do assignments for Unit 3

  • Read and annotate chapter 10-13 of anchor text and complete reading quiz on StudySync (M)

  • Complete section 5 of reading guide (M)

  • Participate in Socratic Seminar #5 (M)

  • Colons and Semicolons - Semicolons* (S)

Seminar Focus

Consider the sense of optimism infused in this section of Their Eyes Were Watching God. There is a new sense of life at the beginning of this new relationship between Janie and Tea Cake. Compare and contrast how the writer generates a sense of optimism in her work. What sort of language does she use, and what images does she evoke? Cite evidence from the text to support your analysis.

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