English 11

Welcome to English 11!

Below you will find links to each unit of study during this course; click on your unit of study to be directed to that unit's individual learning page

Enduring Focus: The importance and examination of the pursuit of independence

Enduring Focus: How do external journeys create internal change?

Enduring Focus: How does setting shape the individual?

Enduring Focus: What does home mean to you?


Helpful Resources

Click on the buttons below to be directed to useful websites you will need to access during this course. Infinite Campus is used for checking your grades, Google Classroom is for turning in assignments, and StudySync is for accessing coursework and other classroom materials.

Google Classroom Code: fims332


Please read and review the course syllabus and return the last page ("classroom contract") to Ms. Simpson by the end of the first week of school.

Eng 11 Syllabus (1).pdf