Lesson 3.4

"The Girl in the Mirror"

Welcome to English 11 Unit 3, Lesson 4!

Below you will find the objective for this lesson...

After rereading and discussing a model of close reading, students will be able to identify figurative language and analyze its use in context to draw conclusions about nuanced meanings in the anchor text.

What are we reading in Lesson 3.4?

  • Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God (Anchor Text), Chapters 7-9

Lesson 3.4 Assignments:

CLICK HERE to view deadlines and must do assignments for Unit 3

  • Read and annotate chapter 7 through 9 of anchor text + complete reading quiz on StudySync (M)

  • Complete section 4 of reading guide (M)

  • Participate in Socratic Seminar #4 (M)

  • Skill: Figurative Language* (S)

  • 3.4 Notes (S)

  • Grammar Skill: Misuse of Commas (S)

Seminar Focus

What shame is there in the aging human body? After reading this section of Their Eyes Were Watching God, talk about why you think people feel shame or pride in aging. What is the correct way to think about it? Make a claim based on the reading, and support it with specific examples and evidence from the texts.

Finish Line

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