Lesson 1.7


What do you do when language is a barrier, not an open doorway? The speaker in the poem “My Grandmother Washes Her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears” is caught between two cultures and two languages. How does she navigate?

In reading the poem, students will discover how the speaker manages to bridge the gaps.

Instructional Video + Notes

Take notes on the video about dialogue and internal monologues. Note important terms, key ideas, and any questions you may have. Remember to take notes on paper in your English notebook

Complete them on paper and submit a picture of your notes to Google Classroom

Reading the Text

Go to StudySync and complete the assignment titled "Lesson 1.7 My Grandmother Washes Her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears Reading Response."

All aspects of the assignment must be completed to receive credit.


Art: Prejudice

Define and discuss the word prejudice. In Kahf’s poem, cultural differences are the cause of the prejudice her grandmother experiences. Students should think about what prejudices others might have about them based on their looks, gender, background, neighborhood, primary language spoken, and clothing.

Students should complete the following tasks for this assignment:

  • Select an artistic medium (traditional or technological).

  • Create a split portrait of themselves as others view them and how they are in reality.

  • Write a brief, impactful statement that points out the differences in the portraits.

  • Share the portrait on FlipGrid and explain the decisions made regarding medium, colors, details, and statement.

  • Click here to go to FlipGrid

Once completed, students should answer the following reflection questions on a Google Doc and submit it to Google Classroom to the assignment titled "Lesson 1.7 Art: Prejudice"

  • What was most surprising about how others might view you?

  • Is it possible to eliminate prejudice?

Lesson 1.7 Mastery Check

After completing the above tasks and assignments, ask Ms. Simpson for the lesson 1.7 mastery check (in-person or via email). Once you have successfully completed it and received the check mark, you may proceed to Lesson 1.8. YOU MUST SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE MASTERY CHECK IN ORDER TO MOVE ON TO LESSON 1.8

Finish Line

All done? Have you submitted all of your assignments? Did you get the okay from Ms. Simpson on your mastery check? Great! Congrats on finishing Lesson 1.7! CLICK HERE to jump to Lesson 1.8