Lesson 1.6


While “The Story of a Vision” connects students to the Native American world of the late nineteenth century before colonization, the excerpts from the classic novels Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart transport students to the colonized African continent. Okonkwo, the protagonist of Things Fall Apart, is a tribal leader with a violent temper. The world is quickly changing around him.

Students will have the opportunity to compare and contrast characters and themes in the excerpts and to analyze the texts for the hallmark elements of modernist and postmodernist literature.

Instructional Video + Guided Notes

Go to StudySync and complete the assignment titled "Lesson 1.6 Instructional Video Theme" and "Lesson 1.6 Instructional Video Point of View" Make sure you write down all vocabulary terms, key ideas, and important facts relevant to the lesson in your English notebook. Submit a picture of your notes to Google Classroom when complete.

Reading the Text

Go to StudySync and complete the reading and response questions for the assignment titled "Lesson 1. 6 Things Fall Apart Reading Response"

This must be completed in full to receive full credit.


Literary Analysis:

The novel Heart of Darkness shows a region of Africa from the perspective of a Belgian colonist around the turn of the 19th century. Though set within the same decade, the novel Things Fall Apart offers an African perspective. Compare similar themes about masculinity in these two fiction excerpts representing different cultural views from different parts of the globe. Respond by analyzing how the authors show these different cultural perspectives and what the details reveal about the worlds the characters live in.

Complete this compare and contrast activity in the form of a video response on FlipGrid. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Click here to go to FlipGrid

Lesson 1.6 Mastery Check

After completing the above tasks and assignments, ask Ms. Simpson for the lesson 1.6 mastery check (in-person or via email). Once you have successfully completed it and received the check mark, you may proceed to Lesson 1.7. YOU MUST SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE MASTERY CHECK IN ORDER TO MOVE ON TO LESSON 1.7

Finish Line

All done? Have you submitted all of your assignments? Did you get the okay from Ms. Simpson on your mastery check? Great! Congrats on finishing Lesson 1.6! CLICK HERE to jump to Lesson 1.7