Lesson 1.1

Lesson 1.1 Objective

By the end of lesson 1.1 students will be able to answer the following driving question: why do words matter? Students will engage in speaking, writing, and collaborative tasks that will require them to dig deep into the meaning and objectives of this unit as a whole.


Before you continue with Lesson 1.1, make sure that you have completed the English 10 Readiness test on StudySync. This pretest must be done BEFORE you begin the coursework below.

Lesson 1.1 Instructional Video/Guided Notes

This first video is called a Blast and can be accessed on StudySync. Click here to be directed to StudySync. Once there, log in and view the assignment titled "The Power of Communication Blast #1" and follow the directions. You should annotate the transcript of the video as you watch it. Annotating means that you are actively engaging with the text. To show me that you are actively engaging with the text, I want you to annotate the following aspects as you read/watch the video: 1) key points, 2) ask questions, and 3) identify places where the background information in the video/transcript corresponds to the driving question ("why do words matter?"). Then, answer the questions on the StudySync Quick Poll. Once complete, please write a 140 character response to the driving question: "Why do words matter?" This assignment should be submitted online to StudySync.

Lesson 1.1 Assignment

After watching the Blast and completing your written corresponding task to the video, click here to download the Text Talk assignment. Then click here to submit it to Google Classroom.

Lesson 1.1 Mastery Check

After completing the above tasks and assignments, ask Ms. Simpson for the lesson 1.1 mastery check (in-person or via email). Once you have successfully completed it and received the check mark, you may proceed to Lesson 1.2. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE MASTERY CHECK IN ORDER TO MOVE ON TO LESSON 1.2

Finish Line

All done? Have you submitted all of your assignments? Did you get the okay from Ms. Simpson on your mastery check? Great! Congrats on finishing Lesson 1.1! CLICK HERE to jump to Lesson 1.2