Lesson 1.1

Lesson 1.1 Objective:

Students should be able to identify and describe what specific textual details reveal about a character, that character's perspective, and that character's motives.

Lesson 1.1 Text:

Please read the following: "My Last Duchess," Robert Browning and think about how the text reveals details about the speaker and his late wife. Consider what details of the text are relevant to building the characters.

Click HERE to read "My Last Duchess"

Instructional Video:

This lessons' instructions will be delivered live with Ms. Simpson in class.

Lesson 1.1 Assignment:

AFTER reading "My Last Duchess," listening to Simpson's lecture, and taking notes, please complete Lesson 1.1 Assignment.

CLICK HERE to download the assignment

CLICK HERE to turn in lesson 1.1

Additional Practice:

Once you have completed the above tasks, work on the following assignments to enhance your understanding of characterization and prepare for Lesson 1.1 Mastery Check.

Create a FlipGrid video to answer the following question:

Consider the meaning from the following line in Browning's poem, and respond with your analysis in the form of a video on FlipGrid, and respond to one classmate.

"She thanked men - good! but thanked - somehow - I know not how - as if she ranked my gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name with anybody's gift"

Please consider what the above line reveals about the speaker of the poem. Why does this revelation matter to the text as a whole?

Click Here to go to FlipGrid

Lesson 1.1 Mastery Check

Please see Ms. Simpson (via email or in person), when you complete Lesson 1.1 to receive and complete your Mastery Check.

***REMEMBER: You MUST successfully complete your mastery check (with NO errors) in order to move on to the next lesson


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