Lesson 1.2

Lesson 1.2 Objective:

Explain the function of a character changing or remaining unchanged.

Lesson 1.2 Text:

Please read the short story, "Good Country People," by Flannery O'Connor. While you're reading, think about what makes characters dynamic and interesting. Also consider how you can tell a character has or has not changed by the end of a text.

CLICK HERE to access the text

Lesson 1.2 Instructional Video:

AFTER reading "Good Country People," listen and take notes on Simpson's lecture about how perspective informs narrators, characters, or speakers, and helps the reader understand their circumstances, background, etc. While you're listening, make sure to take notes to help yourself with your assignment later.

Lesson 1.2 Assignment:

Choose a character from O'Connor's short story "Good Country People," and write a paragraph with 1 claim at the BEGINNING of the paragraph explaining whether or not that character changed throughout the course of the text. Use textual evidence to support your claim.

Once you have written your paragraph, ask a classmate for feedback on your claim and use of evidence. Turn your paragraph, with comments from a classmate, into Google Classroom.

If you're the classmate commenting on someone else's work, make sure to note the following:

  • Does the paragraph immediately state a defensible claim?

    • What does or does not make the claim defensible?

    • Does the paragraph follow a line of reasoning that supports the initial claim?

      • How does it do this? Or, how does it not do this?

      • Does the paragraph use textual evidence to support their claim?

        • Is the evidence that is used the best form of evidence for the claim? Why or why not?

Lesson 1.2 Additional Practice:

After you have read "Good Country People," and completed the above assignment, go to FlipGrid and continue to practice the concepts we have been learning regarding characterization.

FlipGrid Prompt: What is the significance of the title, "Good Country People," in relation to the characters of this text? Explain and respond to at least one other classmate.

CLICK HERE to go to FlipGrid

Lesson 1.2 Mastery Check:

Completed the lesson above and the additional practice? Ask Ms. Simpson (in person or via email) to give you Lesson 1.2 Mastery Check. Remember: you have to successfully complete the mastery check in order to move on to the next lesson.


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