About Your Library Media Center

The school's library hours are 7:35 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Extended time is available upon request.

The librarian has the responsibility of scheduling classes to use the library and NO class will be permitted to meet in there unless it has been scheduled and approved by the librarian. It must be realized that the facility is limited in space and accommodation. However, teachers are definitely encouraged to utilize this facility and take advantage of its resources.

MCHS Library Media Center Vision

MCHS Library Media Center Mission

Library Procedures


Students do not have a scheduled library time. Students are welcome to visit the media center anytime during the school day with teacher permission.

Teachers must check with the library before sending students down to use the library. Students must also check in and out of the library each time they enter and exit on the computer at the circulation desk.

Student checkout- The limit on checkout is 2 items. Students may check out books any time. Books are checked out for two weeks. Please feel free to return or renew your book before the due date. Due dates are stamped in the back of each book to let students know when their item is due. An overdue fee of .05 cents every school day is charged for late items. If you are returning an item that is not overdue, please place it in the book drop.

Reference material can be checked out during class periods. All items need to be returned at the end of each school day. Failure to do so will result in a fine of $1.00 per day until returned.

MCHS carries many magazine titles. Please feel free to browse our selection.

Library Collection


Please refer to our MCSD Student Chromebook Agreement


There are also 8 computers located in the back of the library where students can use them for school related work. Teachers must check with the library before sending students down to use computers.


Books from the MCHS Library Media Center can be checked out for two weeks. If books are not rechecked or returned within these two weeks, students are charged five cents per day for every day the book is not returned. If a book is lost, the student must pay the cost of the book as recorded in accession record.