Reading and Writing Tips for Parents

Make time for reading and read aloud every day.

  • Set aside a quiet time each day for reading, and remember to include "reading time" when planning

  • activities.

  • Read aloud in different places. How about the porch, under a tree, or at the pool!!

  • Give your child a chance to read aloud to you. Reading aloud will give your child the opportunity to practice reading skills. Encourage rereading of favorite books that are easy.

  • Keep it fun!! Don't set rules about reading for a certain amount of time or reading a minimum number of pages, and don't make reading a punishment — keep it fun so that it's something that your child wants to keep doing!

Beat boredom with books and different kinds of reading materials.

  • Help your reader find interesting things to read — especially for rainy days! These might include non-fiction books, fun fact books, arts and crafts books, project books, or cookbooks with kid-friendly recipes.

  • Keep different kinds of reading materials throughout the house, such as newspapers, magazines, and

  • brochures. Make sure to have some fun things on hand too, like word games and puzzles.

Visit the library frequently and look for summer reading programs,

  • Most libraries have reading programs, book clubs, or special events for kids.

  • Help your child get a library card. A library card makes a young reader feel special.

  • Allow your child to choose reading material. Your child will be more motivated to read if it is something they like.

  • Help your child select books at the right level. Try the 5 finger rule. Hold up five fingers. Open up the book to any page and ask your child to read it. Every time a mistake is made, a finger goes down. If all fingers are down and the page isn’t finished, the book is probably too hard.

Write every day.

  • Keep writing materials handy such as pencils, paper, and crayons so that your child can practice writing.

  • Here’s a few ideas for writing:

- letters or post cards to friends and relatives

- a journal for summer adventures

- a scrapbook

- write stories and poems

- shopping lists

- copying favorite recipes for a family recipe book