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Eric LeGrand Extension Activity

You are encouraged to review these questions after the Eric LeGrand: Overcoming Adversity & Positive Thinking Event. We also encourage you to discuss this with your child or parents/guardians.

1. Is there a challenge or adversity you are working to overcome now?

2. Has there been a time when you felt like you couldn’t get through a difficult situation, but you surprised yourself with how well you handled it?

3. What were some of the things you had to support you through a difficult situation? (Ex: family, friends, professional help, groups, religious organizations, community, etc.). Who can you turn to now?

4. There is a saying to “make lemonade out of lemons” or “find the silver lining”. What are some things that get in the way of being able to do that? How could you work through it or what advice would you give to someone else that would help begin the process of overcoming adversity?